Managing business finances can be tough. Read on to understand why working capital is so essential to your business, and use this working capital calculator to determine your needs as you do sales projection. Use ARQCapital's free below calculator to see estimated income and borrowing costs if you pursue a working capital loan.
Working capital (sometimes referred to as net working capital) is the money your business needs to be able to operate from day to day.
Basically, it’s the cash you have left, after you account for money coming in and money going out over any given period. It’s a measure of your financial health and a critical tool for making business decisions and getting approved for loans and other financing.
Working capital is needed to help a business expand and grow when times are good and cover “rainy day” needs, plus that working capital keeps the lights on when times are rough.
Managing your working capital successfully is essential if you’re to stay in business. Many businesses that appear profitable are forced to cease trading because they’re unable to meet their short-term financial obligations when these payments fall due.
An otherwise profitable, high-growth company may run out of cash because its need for working capital continues to increase.
This typically happens when a growing business invests further in inventory and stock, and its accounts receivable (the money it owes for items bought on credit) increase as a result.